Tag Archives: Natural Brushes

  1. Enhance the Customer Application Experience With a Well-designed Makeup Brush

    We understand the potential consequences to one’s brand if customers are dissatisfied with their products.

  2. The Three Components the Best Makeup Brushes All Have

    Yes, there are a lot of makeup brushes a customer can choose from these days. It’s easy for companies to create just another brush for cheap, but is that the best choice for your brand? Brushes bring real value in their performance. Having the right beauty tool that works with your product to deliver a…

  3. Are You Covering the Entire Beauty Process for Customers?

    Between skincare products, makeup products, tools and applicators, the average woman uses no less than 16 beauty products each day. It may sound like a lot but think about what can go into just one customer’s beauty routine. Not only might she use a primer product, like a lotion or the increasingly popular sheet mask,…

  4. Cosmetic Brushes: What’s in Your Bag?

    Even the best makeup can look bad if it is not applied well. An excellent product can yield a less-than-desirable result if the tools used are not up to the task. Cosmetics brushes made from the right materials will ensure optimum performance of the product. There are all sorts of natural fibers and synthetic fibers…