Tag Archives: Manufacturing

  1. Feminine Wellness


  2. Sustainable Skincare


  3. Thumbnail image of the Holiday Makeup Looks for Beauty Brands Guide

    Application Trend Report: Holiday Makeup Looks For Beauty Brands


  4. Thumbnail image of the Taiki Advantage Infographic

    Taiki Advantage Infographic


  5. 7 Signs Your Skincare Brand Is Ready to Go Private Label

    There’s no cookie cutter approach to growing your skincare brand — every beauty company is different with a distinct vision of a successful future. For many, though, going private label is the next best step. Here are seven telltale signs your brand is ready. First things first: What does private label skincare really mean? Private…

  6. Beauty Manufacturing MOQs: 4 Steps to Determine Your Attainable MOQ

    Your beauty brand has an amazing new beauty solution. Now that you’re ready to bring it to life, there’s a new challenge; meeting your contract manufacturer’s minimum order quantity (MOQ). Here’s what this means, why it’s important, and how to determine the practical number for your brand. An MOQ is the fewest number of units…

  7. Private Label Skincare: 5 Things to Consider to Choose the Right Manufacturer

    Having an idea for an innovative skincare product to add to your beauty line is the easy part. Being able to bring those ideas to life is where the real challenge takes place – and where a private label skincare manufacturer comes in to help. Here’s how to select the best partner that will transform…

  8. Are Your Suppliers Helping or Hindering Your Customer-Centric Strategy?

    Building relationships with customers is key to a successful business. Taking a customer-centric approach can help understand what customers want, how they find and shop for products and how they make their decisions to purchase again or recommend products. A critical component of this strategy is flexibility, since the needs of customers are constantly changing….