A recent article in Cosmetics Design – Europe nicely describes the ascent of airless technology in the beauty packaging industry. Skin center manufacturers are described as early adopters of airless tubes and airless packs. Other segments of the industry are steadily following suit. Why?Consumer fears about product contamination top the list of reasons why more beauty brands are choosing airless tubes. There have been several very high-profile cases of product contamination in the media recently. Many of these center on food products and pharmaceutical items. Stories about tainted cantaloupes and bad-smelling Tylenol capsules have shaken consumer confidence. Airless tube technology works by controlling airflow. If air can’t reach your product, it can’t contaminate it. The presence of effective barriers within an aesthetically pleasing tube is an ideal solution for skin care products, creams, and serums.
As an additional benefit, the design of the airless tube can reduce the need for preservative elements. This is a valuable feature, especially to the customer who prefers all-natural and organic beauty treatments.
Beauty brands who embrace a clinical or medicinal aesthetic when making their packaging choices will discover that their customers may already be familiar with airless tube packaging from pharmaceutical applications. The familiarity will enhance the feelings of safety and security consumers associate with the brand.
The Benefits of Airless Technology: The Taiki Airless Tube
At Taiki, we believe in the power of airless technology. Great beauty packaging can accomplish many things. The Taiki Airless Tube addresses consumer fears about product contamination. By using a patented two-stage airflow blocking system, the product is protected from airborne contaminants. Additionally, keeping air out helps preserve the life of your product. We work with the world’s best beauty brands on an individual basis to create custom packaging solutions that deliver proven, reliable results in an aesthetically pleasing, brand building fashion. Our commitment to Kaizen, the Japanese doctrine of continual improvement, guides us as we continually refine and improve our offerings to incorporate the latest in beauty packaging technology. We’re proud of what we’ve done with the Airless Tube, and we’d love to hear what you think of it.
We’re inviting qualified beauty industry professionals to evaluate the Taiki Airless Tube for themselves. Contact us to request your free sample.