More Beauty Products Seeking Alternative Preservative Systems, an article in Global Cosmetic Industry (GCI) Magazine touches on an important and concerning topic within the beauty industry.
Preservatives, specifically parabens are a concern for many consumers. There seems to be mixed reviews on the topic as it relates to safety concerns. With the demand for natural/organic cosmetic products on the rise, there is a growing trend to avoid parabens. Natural/Organic products do not use parabens; instead, they use natural preservatives, such as fruit extracts.
Organic Report finds that there are stability issues with some natural materials – therefore raising safety issues. Companies are looking for options that are safe & effective – alternatives that can be used regardless of the product formula. This is where packaging plays a key role — Airless packages, in particular, have become popular because they are known to reduce contamination risks.
Taiki has always looked to kaizen solutions so the consumer has a safe and enjoyable product experience. Guided by this philosophy, Taiki introduced airless packages to the product line-up to offer a variation of tubes. More recently, Taiki launched EcoG+, an antimicrobial resin that offers complete package protection – with no/low preservatives.
EcoG+ gives consumers what they are looking for by offering the reduction or removal of skin irritating preservatives and enhanced product safety and performance.
If you want to see how effective your package can be without preservatives, check out the evidence.