“Any bacteria on your hands or face contaminates the makeup when they come in contact,” says Elizabeth Brooks, a professor of biological sciences at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey. “Avoid infection by washing your hands before applying makeup and cleaning your applicators weekly.”
Germs and bacteria are transferred to the skin when applying makeup and skincare products. Regardless if the product is being applied with a beauty tool or fingers, germs are transmitted to the skin’s surface. Preservatives are used in products to keep the product safe and fresh, but bacteria transmits onto your brush or sponge every time they come in contact with your skin.
Tools need to be cleansed properly and frequently in order to protect them from bacteria. Many tools like cosmetics sponges and often foundation brushes are dampened to increase the effectiveness of product use, but these moist tools then become a breeding ground for additional bacteria growth.Because of this growing concern, Taiki offers antimicrobial solutions for beauty tools. Taiki offers over 80 years of experience in antimicrobial technologies – by delivering the right level of protection that delivers a safer application experience for the consumer.
- Our patented antimicrobial (AM) protection for natural hair brushes is the ONLY available and proven method in the industry. AM protection is also offered for human engineered fibre.
- Foam tip applicators and cosmetics sponges are uniquely treated with AM ingredients to prevent bacteria/fungus/mold.
- Taiki’s EcoG+ offers package protection and improves product safety.
Call the antimicrobial experts to keep your products and consumers safe. Proceed with confidence.