Transform your good old cat nose and whiskers into something special this Halloween. This blog informs on how to do an impressive theatrical cat Halloween look with basic face paint and makeup tools. Unleash your inner feline, in 12 easy steps!
Supplies You’ll Need to Create Theatrical Cat Look
- Micellar Makeup Remover Wipes (for mistakes and removal)
- Face Paint: White, Brown, Black, and Red
- Blending sponges
- One tapered or pointed
- One round edge
- Makeup Brushes
- Dual ended eyeshadow: small round shader & smudger
- Dual ended eye: large shader & Pyramid eyeliner
- Eyebrow: short/stiff fibers
- Contour: dual tapered (flat)
- Lip: tapered head

Application Tips:
- Wet and wring out your blending sponge prior to application for best pick up and lay down
- Priming your face with a priming sheet mask is ideal so that your face paint has a prepped surface to adhere to
- To create this look on deeper skin tones: combine an opaque color such as white with lighter sheer colors to get a more intense color pay off, metallic colors show up well on darker skin tones as they reflect light, combine sheer colors like yellow in regular and metallic finish to get the best payoff, mix water well into paint so that enough pigment is picked up.
12 Easy Steps to Create a Theatrical Cat Look for Halloween
Follow these 12 easy steps to create the Purr-fect look!
Step #1: With a blending sponge, create the base by using brown face paint to cover the forehead, sides of face, and chin. Remember to leave the apples of cheeks paint free.
Step #2: Continue with the small end of your blending sponge to build out the base by taking the brown paint down the sides of the nose and connect with the arch of the eye. Blend out to create a cohesive “fur” look.
Step #3: Dip angled eyebrow brush in black paint and using the tip of the brush create strokes to fill in and exaggerate brows.
Step #4: Create dimension by using a flat contour brush with brown paint. Flat side down, create vertical strokes starting at the center of the forehead and space about a half inch apart. Continue down the sides of the face stopping at the chin.
Step #5: Detail the “fur” by using white paint on your eyeshadow brush and press generously to create “hair” between the eyebrows in a down up motion. Place the next strokes below and over the original brown stripes to create dimension above eyebrows following your natural arch and around the permitter of your face. Next place another set of white strokes around perimeter of the face in between the brown stripes in a top-down motion.

Step #6: With the same eyeshadow brush bring the white all the way down the bridge of the nose, connecting the white “fur” between the eyebrows. Buff out with a blending sponge. Step #7: Using a blending sponge, fill in cheeks and chin with lighter brown and use the flat contour brush to swoop strokes from sides of the nose out to the cheeks and under the chin. Work the brush into the brown paint to blend the two colors.
Step #8: Add more stripes by creating heavy strokes about an inch apart starting from under the eye and continuing to under the chin with your eyeshadow brush. Build out these stripes with white strokes in-between each brown stripe following the same pattern
Step #9: Using a double ended eyeshadow brush build out the eyes with red and white paint. Define the outer v of the eyelid going halfway to the center of the crease but leaving the inner eyelid bare. Blend up and out under the eyebrow. Using the other end of the brush pick up white paint and fill in the inner corner to center of the lid. Blend the two colors with a pointed blending sponge.
Step #10: Using a pointed (pyramid) eyeliner brush and black paint, draw an exaggerated cat eye. Extend past inner corner and outward along lash line, flicking up at the end. Follow above the black line with white paint using a small eyeliner brush. Create two more white stripes with the same brush on outer sides of the eye. Finally adding one more stripe under each eye extending further towards the nose.
Step #11: With a lip brush, line upper lip with black and overdraw slightly. Fill in with black paint. Clean brush and using white paint create the fangs by placing small strokes on the bottom lip. Clean brush and with red paint fill in lower lip line avoiding the white fangs.
Step #12: With lip brush draw on the black nose tip. Follow your natural curve of the nose from tip to sides of nostrils filling in. Draw line from apex straight down to the center of the cupids bow. With same brush create three whisker strokes on both cheeks.
In Conclusion
The steps to creating a theatrical cat with face paint is simple when you have the right makeup tools! Makeup brushes and sponges can be used for many different application techniques and formulas.
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