The largest safety concern women have regarding make-up application is for their eyes. Bacteria lives on eyelashes and therefore is transferred back into the mascara upon use. What this means is that the product can become contaminated from the very first application. A study at Northeastern State University Oklahoma College of Optometry found that microbial organisms that are present on eyelashes inoculate the mascara tube after just one application. In fact, after three months of use, an average of 40% of mascara tubes show bacteria or fungus.
Understandably, today’s consumers are searching for ways to still use eye make-up but ensure safety. Common strong preservatives are known to help protect products but can cause eye irritation or redness, making the application of mascara a frustrating experience rather than an enjoyable one.
For years Taiki has been looking for better methods to safeguard packages and enhance the consumer experience, easing frustrations and promoting safety. After much research, Taiki developed a patented process that incorporates inorganic silver and silica that creates an antimicrobial resin. We call this EcoG+. With EcoG+, the package provides preservative protection and the silica allows for a 40%-70% reduction in the use of petrochemical resins. EcoG+ supports the creation of a Preservative Matrix that allows for the reduction or removal of skin-irritating preservatives.
Imagine a mascara that doesn’t contain preservatives and is safe, long-lasting and gentle…EcoG+ is the answer.